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Basic markdown style guide

Markdown is powered by Markdoc. This is an example post to demonstrate all the basic markdown syntax. You can author content using the familiar markdown syntax you already know.

Inline formatting

Bold: This text is bold.

Italics: This text is italics.

Strikethrough: You can strikethrough text.

Inline code: You can add inline code like this const hello = "world".


The following HTML <h2>—<h6> elements represent five levels of section headings. <h1> is also available but not recommended since the post title is already a <h1> element it is not a good practice to have more than one <h1> elements in a page.

H2: Heading Two

H3: Heading Three

H4: Heading Four

H5: Heading Five
H6: Heading Six


A standalone single paragraph of text.

Paragraphs can be multiline too when they constitute words that make up more than one line, i.e they wrap to the next line. Wow! I am really smart to write two lines of text that makes zero sense.


This is a blockquote. And it's pretty long too. Long enough to wrap to next line. Surely it will wrap.

You can use other Markdown syntax like inline code within a blockquote.



List Types

Ordered List

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Unordered List

  • List item
  • Another item
  • And another item

Nested list

  • Fruit
    • Apple
    • Orange
    • Banana
  • Dairy
    • Milk
    • Cheese

Code Blocks

Syntax highlighting is done using Prism.js. You can customise to whichever theme you want from the plenty available prism themes.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>Example HTML5 Document</title>

